Wednesday, June 10

Curítiba bound

Okay... I'm sorry, I really meant to post earlier this week, but somehow it never quite happened... I have new appreciation for people who manage to post everyday (or even more frequently)!
I had a really great time last weekend. I attended my very first Festa Junina. Festas Junina are traditional celebrations in June that center around the three saints days during the month (don't ask me to name them!). The parties involve music, dressing up like country-folk (caipira), and of course lots of good food and drink. Foods like corn on the cob, a tasty hot dog (cachorro quente) dish, corn cake, and various sweets made from peanuts. There also is usually a 'bride' and a 'groom' and a host of little plays and jokes that are traditional.

This weekend I'm headed to Curitiba,in the south of Brazil, with my roommate and her friend Fabio. I expect to have a great time, and hopefully will have plenty of pictures to show for it.

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