Wednesday, August 19

Motivation, or lack thereof, and how to get it back

I'm sorry. Really, I've been meaning to post something, anything, for the last five days. I don't know how it happens, but the days seem to just keep flying by, and somehow I don't manage to get a single word written here in Norahland (or much else done, for that matter).

Kinda sad.

So today I am writing. It finally turned to summer here in the finger lakes. Hot and sticky. Just in time for the invasion of the U-Hauls and the return of the students. Invasion is definitely the right word here- it is a bit frightening. I'm gonna miss the quiet, and I'm not even really a quiet person, although I may be becoming more quiet with each passing year. Do you think it works that way?

Anyway, on to more important matters.

Lately, I've had a distinct lack of motivation in nearly all of my endeavors. That includes this blog, my work, cleaning my apartment, exercise... you name it, and I've become a sloth in that area. Let me tell you, I'm getting sick of being this sloth; I don't know that I recognize myself anymore. It's starting to annoy me. Which I guess is a good thing, because maybe the annoyance will get me moving.

Soooo, really, what is my random blog about myself and my (non)adventures for if it isn't a place for me say what I want to do, and then see how I do in progressing towards that goal (or multiple goals.... I have a small tendency to bite off a bit more than I can chew). Maybe this small amount of accountability will help in the grand scheme of things.

Here are some things that I haven't been able to get up the energy to do, and now perhaps how I plan to work through the stupid, sloth-y haze.

(1) Get back in Pre-Brazil (or better) shape.
You know how I said I was going to be the size of a house by the time I returned from Brazil? Well its true I'm a lot bigger and a lot more out of shape than I was 4 months ago. Totally worth it, but I've got to stop the trend somewhere... and I refuse to buy more clothes, unless they are smaller than the ones I already own, and walking around naked is totally not an option.

Plan: Start swimming and sign up for a half marathon. Thanks to my friend Sheri, I think I might have gotten the kick in the pants that I needed. I've logged a couple days in the pool and about 11 miles on the road, and only have one slightly mangled ankle. Pretty good start. I'll let you know how it goes.

(2) Upholster the it's-been-half-finished-for-three-years chair that is sitting in my living room.

Plan: order the cotton batting necessary to get on with it (yes, that is pretty much what is holding me back... I'm an idiot). I'm sure you'll enjoy the pictures. The last time I upholstered chairs I got addicted to Gunsmoke. Now that I've got my nice new TV, there must be some good upholstery-worthy TV viewing. Any ideas?

(3) Really, really clean my apartment.

Plan: Fall cleaning is the new spring cleaning for me. Maybe I'll try posting some before and afters to get me motivated to really scrub what needs scrubbing.

(4) Finish the knitting projects I've started, so I can make some headway on the gigantic pile of yarn in my stash.

Plan: First up, the black sweater vest that is almost complete. Did you know I was a knitter? If not, be prepared to see a lot of knitting and purling.

oh yeah, and...
(5) get caught back up and on top of things at work, so I have more time to do all the fun stuff.

Plan: Not sure... but anything is better than my current state of frazzled disorganization.

Okay I think that is over ambitious enough for now, I'll let you know how it goes.

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