Sunday, August 30


This is a quick message, just so you know I haven't dropped off the face of the planet. I spent a good deal of this weekend cooking. They were delicious things, if I do say so myself. The highlight may have been the creamy sorrel soup with dill. Which I totally made up. Sorry for the lack of pictures... I kinda forgot to take my camera out.

Today, however, I made new mast cell themed cake for my good friend Ethan's B-exam (that is the final test you take to get your PhD, in case you don't know). Yes I am a huge geek- I make cakes with cells and cell signalling on them. I'll post pictures for all the world to see, officially ending any thoughts that I might be normal. But now, I have to get going, because I have an early morning date with the confocal microscope... I know you wish you could be me.

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